Kustom Mods Page: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4
Name: Kiraku Platform: Dreamcast Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: kiraku_dc.jpg Description:
Judging by the Windows CE logo, the black part of the case was taken from a Sega
Sports DC, and replaced with a normal DC CD door, and controler port cover.
Name: maxpower311 Platform: X Box Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: maxpower311xbox.jpg
Awsome X Box in a chair mod! I need something like this with my PlayStation2, and
my bed! Good job maxpower311!
Name: Freaksac Platform: Dreamcast Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: freaksacdc.jpg
| freaksacdc2.jpg
Cool painted DC. Effect was made by using opaque paint on a clear case, and blocking
off parts of the case with tape. Looks sweet in the dark, like demonized eyes...
Name: Incredible Platform: Dreamcast Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: incredible_dc.jpg
Dreamcast paint job and custom viewing window which is incredible! I would easily
give $100 for this system! As long as there is a matching controller and VMU... he
Directions: N/A
Name: Chris Platform: Dreamcast Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: chris_dc.jpg
| chris_dc2.jpg
Dreamcast with an AWSOME paint job! I can't tell if it's airbrush or just the type
of paint he used. Awsome! A nice addition might be a white power LED with blue LED
in fan vent.
Directions: N/A
Name: Slpknt6009 Platform: Dreamcast Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: slpknt6009dc_1.jpg
| slpknt6009dc_2.jpg
Painted his Dreamcast silver and black, with a matching controller! Good job! Looks
Directions: N/A
Name: Alfalfa Platform: Dreamcast Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: alfalfa_2.jpg
| alfalfa_3.jpg | alfalfa_4.jpg
| alfalfa_1.jpg
Put a Dreamcast system inside of a Saturn case. Looks good. The pics are in order
of how it was assembled. Someone else try this. I'm not trying it. Your crazy. Now,
put a PS2 in a portable CD player.
Directions: N/A
Name: Nintenter Platform: Dreamcast Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: nintenter1.jpg
| nintenter2.jpg
Nice orange paint job, and open/closed door switch. Also with a viewing window on
the lid for "peeking" in on the spinning CD.
Directions: N/A
Name: ppleeuw Platform: Dreamcast Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: ppleeuw_1.jpg
| ppleeuw_2.jpg
Nice silver painted case, with black controller faceplate and buttons, with matching
painted controllers and VMU's.
Directions: N/A
Name: Xylene Platform: Dreamcast Model:
N/A Mod Chip: N/A Pic: xylene_dc.jpg
Dreamcast with it's power and open buttons, controller panel, and triangle above
LED all painted black. And a blue LED installed. Looks good.
Directions: N/A